Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Books I enjoy

I like to read when I have a little free time (it's a rare treat since I have kids!). Here are some books that I have enjoyed and would like to recommend:
Invisible Man, Fast Food Nation, A Walk in the Woods, A Short History of Nearly Everything, In a Sunburned Country, (really anything by Bill Bryson), Outliers, Catcher in the Rye, the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and the entire Harry Potter series. I am currently listening to the Steve Jobs biography on audiobook and find it pretty engrossing so far. I hope to start to read To Kill a Mockingbird soon, a classic that everyone really recommends. I might have some time over Christmas, but maybe not!

Image post--Mad Men yourself

Hello World!

  This is my very first blog post on my very first blog! A little about myself: I am married and a Mom of two kids and live in San Francisco. I enjoy knitting, hiking, collecting comic books, and learning about computer programming. My favorite TV shows are Mad Men, Mythbusters, The Daily Show, and almost any British show. I currently work as a research associate in virology working on assay development for HIV.